Bringing AuthorizeAttribute to .NET Azure Functions v2

Azure Functions is a great technology, and even greater when we talk about the .NET support. It allows developer to focus on creating solutions to problems they have been assigned to solve, and not worrying about the infrastructure.

Update available for V3+ In-process and now also for V4 Isolated

A big change for Azure Functions V2 is that runs on top of ASP.NET Core 2 hosting model. Now, lets not get confused; Azure Functions is not ASP.NET Core WebAPI because we are not talking about just HTTP endpoints. Through Azure Functions we are able to trigger actions from different sources and this is what makes it a powerful tool. One of my favorites - Durable Functions extension, we can execute asynchronous workflows without having to be concerned where we were going to hold state like in the days of WF.

Using Entity Framework Core IModelCustomizer to target multiple data stores

Some projects are designed to be optionally deployed against different back-end data stores. In these cases we want to configure our data model depending on the platform we are targeting, but keeping the models agnostic to the data store to simplify its use when developing our business logic.

Lets say we work for the Smart Retail Solutions company, and have been tasked to create a retail sales software system for small businesses which may have different database technology preferences.

Conditional resources with references to conditional resources in ARM Templates Fail to Deploy

In a recent project I needed to deploy a web certificate and host name bindings for a service app.
Now, this requirement was only for the production environment. Using the condition property available for the ARM template resources I generated a template similar to the following: